CHIEF’S CORNER | By Police Chief James Fryhoff
Drive the Speed Limit

Stay safe and look out for one another
Every month I receive several calls about vehicles driving too fast in areas of the Ojai Valley. From my own experiences driving around the valley I have noticed two distinct issues that seem to create a larger problem and a potentially more dangerous situation for all of us.
- There are people driving too fast for the conditions, either above the speed limit or faster than can be safely managed, i.e. fog, pedestrians, construction areas, etc.
- People who are driving well below the posted speed limit in areas that are free from hazards and are slowing down the flow of traffic. Both driving too slow and driving too fast create problems. The too-fast issue is simple: braking distance is increased, line of sight may be compromised, and reaction time may be lessened potentially causing an accident.
Driving too slow creates different issues. Although the slow driver is not likely to have the same braking issues and line of sight issues that the fast driver does, but it can create a sense of frustration among other drivers on the road. This frustration leads to bad decision making, whether it is a road-rage incident or an illegal passing maneuver that is brought on by driving too slow.
If you want to drive slower and there are cars lining up behind you, simply find a safe place to pull over and let the cars pass. On the other hand, if you are driving too fast, please slow down. There are not only many cars and pedestrians on our roadways, but we have many animals who are also trying to safely cross roads and avoid being hit.
Monthly safety message: Preventing Crime
I often get asked about what the most prevalent crime is in the Ojai Valley. The crime that is most common — which can be prevented by everyone — is theft from vehicles and open garages. Oftentimes, criminals are looking for an easy target from which to steal and make a quick buck.
• Do not leave your garage door open if you are not around.
• Lock your vehicles and residences.
• Do not leave anything in your vehicle that is valuable.
• Do not leave your keys in your vehicle and secure your garage door opener so it is not stolen and used later when you are away.
• In the evening, do a quick check of your home. Ensure your vehicles are secure and no valuables are left in them, your garage door is closed, your doors are locked, and your lighting is in good working order.
thank you!