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Alignment Yoga and Qigong

Lepeng has been teaching group Yoga and Pilates classes at gyms and yoga studios for the past 10 years. She has witnessed many people, especially older people struggle in typical Yoga classes as well as other strenuous workout classes in the gym. Unless you have been consistently practice Yoga and workout regularly, the typical yoga and pilates classes are not natural or even suitable for our bodies and it can also hurt us and cause unnecessary injuries.

Even though she grew up in China, Lepeng was not interested in practicing Qigong and Tai Qi until she is in her forties. She started to experience and understand the benefit of Qigong movement as she gets older and becomes more in tune with the subtle flow of  energy patterns in her body. According to ancient integral medical theory, disease is the manifestation of energy disorder and aberration within the body. It is a state in which the various organs and the nervous system are functioning incorrectly or inadequately in a manner which is either too slow or fast, too weak or strong. When the energy flows through the channels unimpeded and various organs are in a state of equilibrium, one is healthy. If the energy becomes imbalanced or blocked, disease manifests. Disease indicates that the energy flow needs to be corrected. Through the calmness and relaxation generated by Qigong movement, the vitality which has been blocked within a tense and imbalanced body is released and allowed to restore and sustain natural health.

Lepeng designed this movement class to help people to enjoy movement in a way that feels good, flows the energy and trains the mind.  And you don’t have to go fast, be competitive and worry about injures. The class starts with gentle flow of Qigong to warm up the body and open up all the energy channels in the body, then we use 6-feet wooden sticks to help us stretch in ways that we normally would not be able to without it. The last 30-minutes of  the class, Lepeng lead people through some gentle yoga poses to strengthen and further stretch the entire body so you feel so relaxed and peaceful after the final relaxation pose on the ground. She truly believes this is a movement class almost everyone can benefit and enjoy.

Monday 10:30am to 12pm at Sarzotti park
Wednesday 10:30am to 12pm at Sarzotti park
Thursday 6pm to 7:15pm at Soul Body Yoga center (206 N Signal street, Ojai)
Please contact Lepeng at 818-853-3033 or email alignmenthealings@gmail.com for detailed information
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