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Monthly Class Schedule:

Sunday June 11th 1-4pm – Eating as a Way of Self Love

Sunday July 16th 1-4pm – Raw Foods & Healthy Desserts I

Sunday August 13th 1-4pm – Raw Foods & Healthy Desserts II

September 10th 1-4pm – Vegan Cheese Class

October 8th 1-4pm – Gluten-Free Cooking & Baking Class

November 19th 1-4pm – Healthy Holiday Inspiration Cooking Class

December 10th 1-4pm – Annual Tamale Making Class

Eating as a Way of Self Love
Sunday June 11th 1-4pm
Location: Oak View Park & Resource Center Kitchen
555 Mahoney Dr. Oak View, CA 93022
$75 per person

Our relationship with food greatly affects our moods, self value and overall health. Food medicine chef Bianca Martinez helps us navigate what eating healthy truly means and gives us the tools to create delicious healing meals that can nourish us for a lifetime! Now more than ever we can harm ourselves with foods that are full of chemicals, pesticides and genetically modified ingredients. Our need for the knowledge to help us navigate towards wholeness and healing is essential to our survival and a key to the prevention of illness of all forms emotional physical and beyond.


  • Foods for inflamation
  • Alternatives to dairy (hemp milk & veggie cream sauce demo)
  • Hidden additives that wreak havoc on your hormones & gut flora
  • Deciphering Ingredient Labels
  • Hands on Learning
  • Foods for better digestion (mung dal kitchari – class cooks together)
  • Healthy twists on comfort food favorites (demo healthy mac and cheese)
  • Tips for mindful eating practices
  • Healing our relationship with food
  • Tips for Emotional Eating
  • Cancer and disease prevention (Elixer demo)
  • Recipes for every meal of the day! (selection from recipe handout)
  • How we eat and why its important to be present with our meals
  • Tips for busy families and working professionals
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