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Pythagorean Harmonics:
Sacred Number and the Golden Verses
(On Site and Zoom)
Saturday 10 am – noon and 2 – 4 pm PDT

According to HP Blavatsky, the gnosis or system of knowledge, called philosophia,
or the “love of wisdom” by Pythagoras, was brought to the west from Indian
sanctuaries and was none other than that of Theosophia—Divine Wisdom or God-
knowledge, the “truth of nature without the veil of the senses.” From what little is known
of his school, it affirmed that the metaphysical mysteries of life could be progressively
approached though moral and mental discipline aligned with sacred number and
archetypal geometry. This in part helps to explain the profound and continuing impact
of Pythagorean ideas upon Western science, philosophy and mysticism, as well the arts.
This seminar will explore what is known about his life and teaching, its impact upon the
classical and renaissance traditions of art and architecture, and its prophetic message for our time.

Single session $15 Full day $25

Kirk Gradin is an architect with his own practice established in Santa Barbara in
1995 and has been a student of Theosophy since the late 70’s. He is a frequent public
presenter of Theosophical themes including their symbolic expression in the visual and
built arts of diverse cultures, and has written numerous articles for VIDYA as well as
other printed publications. In 2018 Kirk co-founded Studio Vach, dedicated to producing
a series of podcasts and videos on core introductory themes of Theosophia.

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