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Visit a Past Life + Meet Your Spirit Guide Workshop

Ojai, California
January 21, 2023

Reconnect with your immortal soul memories in beautiful spiritual Ojai, California. Take the first step into your Life Between Lives® when you Visit a Past Life and then crossover to Meet Your Spirit Guide.

What to Expect

A full day of feeding your soul. We’ll start the day with a group guided imagery – to inspire you to live your dream for this life. Then after lunch, there will be a brief introduction to Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives®.

And, the highlight of the day will be our group Past Life Regression. You’ll navigate around in that life — getting the story.

You can visit the childhood, attend important moments in the life, and even go to the final day where you reflect on what that life was all about.

At the end of that life you can crossover into the afterlife and Meet Your Spirit Guide. This is often a beautiful reunion as you reconnect with your teacher and friend who has been with you since your soul was created.

Your guide can then help us reflect on that past life and how it relates to your life TODAY.

This is an incredible experience. And I would love to have you join us as we take this soul journey together.

(Covid Vaccinations & Booster Required)


10:00 am Check-in & Meet and Greet
10:30 Guided Imagery: Be Inspired to Live Your Life’s Dream
– Break – 
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Introduction to Past Lives and Life Between Lives
1:30 – Break – 
1:45 Guided Regression: Visit a Past Life + Meet Your Spirit Guide
3:00 Reflections: Your Past Life Experience
3:15 Sharing: Past Life Experiences
3:45 Wrap-up & Goodbyes

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