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Sacred Shamanic

We are pleased to present Taita Carlos
Palchucan, South American Shaman, who
will share his wisdom about the shamanic world.

August 19th & 20th: Ojai, CA

If you are searching for spiritual growth
and connection, we are here to share
this rare opportunity with you!


Carlos Palchucan or Taita Carlos, as everyone calls him, is a shaman
and leader of the Pasto people in the province of Armenia in

Colombia, South America.

He was born and raised in Putumayo, part of the Colombian Amazon
jungle. He comes from a lineage of inter-generational shamans,
healers, and ancient herbalists. His father and grandparents have
studied and practiced shamanic healing practices for many generations
using the gifts of nature from the upper Amazon. His mother is also a
healer. A skilled connoisseur of sacred medicinal plants and elementals
in the Amazon region of Colombia, he brought his ancient
knowledge, versatile skills, and healing gifts to his community in the
city of Armenia Quindío, and several neighboring areas. He has

worked there for more than twenty years.

Empowered by his grandparents and elders of the territory with
wisdom passed from generation to generation, Taita Carlos has been
chosen as the leader for twenty consecutive years to defend the
interests of local communities, where he has demonstrated his
dedication and commitment to the service of the indigenous
communities. Taita Carlos is also a representative of local communities
at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples. He lives in
Armenia, Colombia with his wife, three sons, and a daughter.
He receives people in need of treatment or advice every day and
performs healing ceremonies every Saturday in Colombia for people
who are willing to receive knowledge and healing. Taita Carlos is
seeding the path of the new consciousness awakening in connection
with the happiness and harmony of all living beings.
For further information about the ceremonies,
please contact: Lisa Richards

E: lisa@redozmusic.com Whatsapp: +57.312.377.0773

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