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About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Mobile eTicket

What To Expect~

The world is sound! Everything has a vibration – sound is the part that you can hear and feel. Music and Sound is a simple yet effective way to open your heart space and re-align your presence to the “Now.” We invite you to meditate and participate by bringing your energy to the circle of pure vibration and sound – YOU are part of the symphony!

During this unique ceremonial Sound Bath, your experienced guide, Natascha Wilczek, will create sacred space and guide you into a deep sonic meditation with heart centered intention and intuition.

Natascha, will facilitate your journey through the sacred sound current playing a variety of instruments from various traditions, including drums, rattles, Tibetan bowls, gongs, bells, conches, flutes, crystal bowls, voice and more! The acoustic instruments will be played over and around everyone laying on the floor. Each person will experience the sound and vibration from the instruments on a physical level.

The vibrational energy brought forth, transmits healing vibrations of Love, Joy, Peace and Harmony gently into your being. The sonic environment will guide you into meditation and deep relaxation to shift awareness from the density of the physical body, into awareness of your light body. Meditation brings us into the stillness within, where we can connect with the wisdom of our own hearts.

Sound is the fabric of the soul and the language of the cosmos! Sound therapy breaks up stagnant energy within the body and guides us to reverie deep states of relaxation, discover insight, healing, growth and our highest creativity!


What To Bring~

Yoga mats will be provided by Starborne Wellness Center. Please bring blankets, pillows, water and anything else that will make you feel most comfortable and peaceful to lay down and completely relax for 1 hour. Chairs can also be provided for those that might need an alternative to laying down on the floor.


What is Sound Therapy/Sound Healing?

Sound helps us deepen our connection to our spiritual path and wellbeing by reuniting us with something greater than self. Within each of us is a unique pure sound filled with delight. In every atom of our organic being we find a vibration, a blueprint of radiance, a vibrancy of intuition that connects us at all levels to the greater universe, as within so without.

Every cell in our body is a sound resonator. Every cell lives in a rhythmic pattern. Each organ has its own cycle and its own pulse. Each and every system has a cycle, rhythm, pattern and pulse that exist in resonant harmony and sympathy to the cycles of the Earth and the heavens, helping us to remember and to reconnect to the greater cosmic blueprint.

Our bodies reflect our inner state of being by the sounds we utter. If we are in pain, we groan. If we are joyful, we hum or sing. If we are sad, we cry. In meditation, we are still. Just as sound was born out of silence, sound creates the road back to silence, inner harmony and health.

The human body is 70% water and sound travels four times faster in water than in air. Thus, we are a perfect resonator for sound; within us and around us the sounds of the universe impact us both positively and negatively. When we lose our connection to the rhythms and cycles of nature and the interconnection to all things in the universe, this alienation or disharmony manifests as imbalance and disease of the body and subtle bodies. Through the practice of yoga, meditation and the use of specific sound healing tools applied on and over the body, we gain access into the core energetic systems within the body, in a non-invasive way.

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