CHIEF’S CORNER | By Jim Fryhoff, Ojai Chief of Police
Keeping Away the Summertime Blues
I was trying to come up with a light-hearted post for my first ever Chief’s Corner in the Ojai Hub; however, with timing being what it is, I don’t want to miss a chance at saving a life.

“Stay safe and look out for one another. “
The school year is coming to a close and celebrations are taking place near and far. I want to take this moment to remind everyone to please celebrate responsibly. Each year as students graduate high school and college, tragedy seems to strike in some community in our country.
Sadly, yet optimistically, many of these horrific incidents are preventable.
Here are some easy guidelines to follow:
- Don’t host underage drinking parties
- Be a responsible host for those who are old enough to consume alcohol
- Don’t drink/use drugs and drive
- Don’t get in a car with someone who has been drinking or using drugs
- Drive the speed limit, or slower, if the conditions dictate
One of the worst moments in law enforcement is when we inform a parent that their child has been killed in a senseless accident. Do not let this happen to our community.
I hope next month’s Corner will be lighthearted and yet informational.
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