Going ‘Public’
FEATURE | By Ilona Saari Going 'Public' When I was five my best friend received her First Holy Communion. Afterward she asked me what religion I was. She went to Catholic school and was a Catholic. Since I went to public school, I told her I was a "Public." It wasn't until I was six that I learned my family was Lutheran. That the church we went to was Redeemer Lutheran.It wasn't until I was six that I learned my family was Lutheran. That the [...]
Over the Grapevine to Grandma’s House: Picnic on the I-5
COLUMN | By Ilona Saari Over the Grapevine to Grandma's House: I-5 Picnic Delicious picnic spread with fresh fruit, bread, spicy sausage and cheese spread out on a red and white checkered cloth in a lush spring park Well, it's that "over the meadow and through the woods to grandmother's house we go" time of year. Or, in my case from LA to the Bay Area, it's "over the meadow and through woods to a cousin's house we go" on the Interstate 5. [...]
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